Interactive Maps Resource Center
Welcome to the March for Moms Interactive State Map Resource Center!
The interactive graphics below were created for consumers like you with the data published by many partner and professional organizations. You will find information pertaining to the overall health of our nation with a specific focus on maternal mortality and legislation enacted to decrease maternal mortality rates. Additionally, you will find information on state funding and other programs. Please feel free to utilize this information in efforts to raise awareness and advance advocacy efforts.
How Do I Use The Maps Below?
Each map provided below is accompanied with a description to help you understand the content. As you view the maps, feel free to hover over and click on specific states to gain further information. If your state has fact sheets or website links to specific programs, you can access them by clicking on the state. Additionally, at the bottom of each map you will find the following options:
- Share– use and share the content on social media and/or in your advocacy efforts. Make sure to tag us @MarchforMoms
- Download the content of each map using this option.
- Full screen– use this option to enlarge the map for a closer look!
TIP: Use this content along with our full advocacy guide.



State Ranks in Overall Health & Maternal Mortality Rates
State Legislation & Medicaid Expansion
Additional Initiatives & Programs by State
Overall Health Score in the US by State
The above map is adapted from American Health Rankings using a composite index of over 30 metrics that give an annual snapshot of the health of a population in each state relative to other states. The metric is based on the behaviors, environment and the communities we live in, public health policies, and health care practices as well as prevention strategies. The graphic relates to maternal health because many maternal and child health markers (maternal mortality, infant mortality) are used when calculating how healthy a nation or state is.
US Maternal Mortality Rate
In 2018, the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention released a Maternal Mortality by State Report Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) defined as deaths related to pregnancy for every 100,000 live births. The term refers to a death of a person while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the duration and site of the pregnancy, from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management but not from accidental or incidental causes. Learn about the maternal mortality rate for your state using the map provided. Note: states marked with an asterisk* reported less than 10 deaths and thus did not provide an exact number for the MMR.
US Maternal Mortality Legislation by State
Distribution of states with MMRC, Doula Reimbursement, etc.
In order to address maternal mortality and morbidity, some states introduced and passed legislation. There are several initiatives including expanding access to doula care, establishing and funding maternal mortality review committees (MMRC), and initiating bias training for providers. This map provides you with an overlook of each state’s progress. For more information, hover over your state to view resources pertaining to each program. If your state does not have any pending or passed legislation, consider it an opportunity for advocacy and raising awareness when speaking out about this issue to media and legislators. Additionally, use the states that are doing well as a blueprint for success. Note: Enacted refers to bills recently passed; Ongoing refers to established programs that are currently active (ex: actively meeting MMRC).
Medicaid Expansion By State
State Status on Medicaid Expansion Adoption
The postpartum period is an important, but often neglected element of maternity care. New mothers may be dealing with a host of medical conditions, such as complications from childbirth, pain, depression or anxiety, all while caring for a newborn. While Medicaid pays for nearly half of all births and must cover pregnant women through 60 days postpartum, after that period, states can and have made very different choices regarding whether eligibility for Medicaid coverage is continued. This map, adopted from the Kaiser Family Foundation provides information about whether or not your state 1) expanded medicaid coverage, 2) provides family planning services (i.e., contraception or birth control methods) for those who do not qualify for medicaid. Funds for family planning services can come from state and federal funds. For in depth information, hover and click on the state to access the medicaid expansion state fact sheet for your state.
Does my State Participate in the Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health Program?
The Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health (AIM) is a national data-driven maternal safety and quality improvement initiative based on proven implementation approaches to improving maternal safety and outcomes in the U.S. The goal is to decrease preventable maternal mortality and severe morbidity across the United States. AIM works through teams and health systems on the state, national, and hospital levels.
Does my State Have a Perinatal Quality Collaborative?
Perinatal quality collaboratives (PQCs) are state or multi-state networks of teams working to improve the quality of care for mothers and babies. PQC members identify health care processes that need to be improved and use the best available methods to make changes as quickly as possible. For in depth information, hover and click on the state to access the website for your state’s PQC.
Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health Program. (2019, October 1). Retrieved from
American Health Rankings | AHR. (2019). Retrieved from
Bureau of Labor and Statistics: Obstetricians and Gynecologists. (2019, March 29). Retrieved from
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Maternal Mortality . (n.d.). Retrieved February 2, 2020, from
American Midwifery Certification Board. (2019). Certified Nurse Midwives and Certified Midwives by State. Retrieved from—may-2019.pdf?sfvrsn=4ae04b1e_8
Hall, M., & Hollier, L. Texas AIM: Implementing AIM Maternal Safety Bundles in Texas, Texas AIM: Implementing AIM Maternal Safety Bundles in Texas (2018). Retrieved from
American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. (2014). Health Disparities in Rural Women. Retrieved from
Health of Women and Children: Maternal Mortality. (2019). Retrieved February 2, 2020, from
Massachusetts Perinatal Quality Collaborative. (2019). Why are we partnering with AIM? Retrieved from
National Network of Perinatal Quality Collaboratives (NNPQC) Coordinating Center. (2019, October 15). Retrieved from
anji, U., Gomez, I., & Salganicoff, A. (2019, September 3). Expanding Postpartum Medicaid Coverage. Retrieved February 2, 2020, from
Singh, A. (2019, April 29). Taking AIM at Rising Rates of Maternal Morbidity and Mortality. Retrieved from